Forever B paper is used with other Forever printable sheets to improve the bond to the product and to make colours appear brighter
- Print the image directly onto the clear A foil
- Press the A foil together with a B paper sheet for 90 to 120 seconds at 130 to 155 deg C
- Separate A and B sheets whilst still hot. (B paper applies a white adhesive layer to the printed areas only). Do not remove the A foil sheet from the heat press whilst separating. Peel using a slow, steady and continuous action from one corner to the opposite corner. (Do not stop)
- Place A foil face down onto garment, cover with 2 sheets of copy paper and press for 30 sec's.
- Allow to cool completely then remove carrier film using a rolling motion from one corner to the opposite corner
- IMPORTANT - For maximum wash resistance and to remove shine - Press again for 30 seconds using a matt finish cover sheet and medium pressure.